
十大网赌正规网址 seeks to 开发 in each student an appreciation for learning through an academic foundation grounded in the disciplines and in-depth study in specific majors. 这种结合为学生进入研究生院做准备, 的职业, 以及社会各领域的领导职位. 一个广泛的, flexible General Education curriculum in the liberal arts provides the most appropriate formal preparation to:

  • 迎接当代挑战,
  • 完成职业目标;
  • 过一种有目的、健康、有意义的生活
  • 作为一个负责任的公民为社会服务.


A strong education presumes that students can express their thoughts clearly in written and oral form; that they know how to organize, 开发, and refine thoughts for maximum effectiveness; and that they can think quantitatively at a high level in order to understand the complexities of a technologically sophisticated world. All students are expected to demonstrate or acquire basic levels of these foundational skills during their first year.


  1. 写作标准英语, clearly and appropriately; analyze critically, through organized and persuasive writing; used appropriate citation for both primary and secondary sources.
  2. 通过对不同文本的分析性阅读,提高批判性思维能力, 综合这些来源的信息, 并评估内容的强度.
  3. study a disciplinary or interdisciplinary subject in depth and be assessed according to the learning goals appropriate to that content.
  4. participate in small-group activities and experiences with the entire first-year class to facilitate transition to college life.



  1. write essays in which one or more of the following is done: select and defend a position on a debatable issue, 分析一篇文章, 提出研究, 或者定义一个问题并提出解决方案
  2. 接受对这些文章的反馈.


  1. 仔细注意写作过程(计划), 组织, 起草, 修改, 和重写)
  2. 结合重要的写作机会, 包括至少一篇主要论文或同等论文.

口语交流(c - 10)


  1. 有能力在公众场合传达适当而有效的信息, 人际关系, 以及小组设置
  2. ability to listen and respond to mediated messages in an appropriate and effective manner.


  1. 说话以说服、告知或辩论
  2. 以清晰、有说服力和简洁的方式口头传达材料
  3. 在人际、小组或公共场合创建适当的信息
  4. 接受口头沟通技巧的反馈.



数学113, 115, 210, or PYSC 241: understand and use basic statistical concepts including making and interpreting graphic representations of data, 构建和解释散点图和回归线, 理解随机性, 样本中的误差和变化, 调查与实验设计, 统计推断的基本概念(一).e., estimation and/or hypothesis testing), and limitations of statistical approaches.

数学121:理解和使用导数和积分, 并将这些概念应用于变化率, 优化, 指数增长或衰减, 曲线下的面积.


  1. accurately interpret quantitative information from a variety of historical or contemporary sources [or]
  2. 组织,分析,并有说服力地传达数据通过图表[或]
  3. 使用统计软件或电子表格等工具分析数据
  4. 通过适当的定量方法解决问题.


A strong liberal education presumes that students can meet the challenges of a career and responsible citizenship by maintaining a 健康的 lifestyle. It is essential that students engage in physical activity and learn life-long activities that will contribute to a purposeful, 健康的, 对生活有回报.


  1. 获得终身参与和享受的有用技能
  2. 学习并运用礼仪知识和活动规则
  3. learn and apply scientific principles of fitness and nutrition for personal programs
  4. 表现出与每项活动相关的健康原则的意识.


Global citizenship requires an understanding of the complexity and interconnectedness of the world and a commitment to addressing its multiple needs. 纪念其在兄弟教会的根基, 十大网赌正规网址 approaches such challenges through a commitment to responsible stewardship of resources, 和平转化冲突, 公民参与和为他人服务, 欣赏其他文化, 并尊重每个人的无限价值. Students can best be prepared to become persons of ability and conviction by approaching the challenges of global citizenship by applying the values and attitudes most central to the University’s history.

负责任的公民 标准

  1. learn to understand the assumptions and motivations of those who hold diverse positions, 并有效地与这些人合作
  2. 学会参与有争议话题的民间讨论
  3. 开发 responses — from theoretical to service-oriented — to the legitimate needs of various parties while respecting higher principles of fairness and justice
  4. examine past and present controversies touching on topics that may be 人际关系, 群际, 国家, 或国际.

全球联系 标准

  1. 发展全球视野
  2. 培养对文化多样性的敏感性
  3. 制定跨文化互动的策略.


A strong liberal education presumes a breadth of knowledge and basic understanding of how different disciplines define themselves, 理解现实, 并为其他领域做出贡献.


人类如何表达他们的价值观和信仰. This category is devoted to the study of human expressions of beliefs, values, and aspirations.

  • 宗教
    1. undestand ideas central to Christianity, either alone or in comparison with another religion
    2. 开发 conceptual tools and analytical skills for understanding how religion responds to fundamental human dilemmas
    3. acquire a basic understanding of how religious beliefs and practices function within a world view and shape intellectual traditions and societies.
  • 哲学
    1. 讨论哲学家对人类基本问题采取的方法
    2. 掌握从事哲学探究所必需的词汇和技能, 特别是通过发展他们理解和评估论点的能力.
  • 视觉及表演艺术
    1. understand the non-verbal elements and structures of one or more of the visual and performing arts in different historical periods
    2. 批判性地审视艺术
    3. 区分风格和体裁.
  • 文学
    1. 学习某一特定文化、历史时期或流派的典型文学
    2. 学习文学分析的术语和技巧
    3. 学习与文学相关的美学原则
    4. learn ways in which literature articulates the preoccupations and dilemmas of people from various backgrounds.


人类是如何以及为什么这样做的. This category is devoted to the study of how humans behave both individually and collectively.

  1. acquire the 词汇表 necessary to describe and analyze human behavior from societal and institutional perspectives
  2. 检查当代或历史社会的中心伦理困境. 这些困境可能是个人的、政治的、经济的或教育的
  3. articulate and apply the formal theoretical perspectives and empirical research used in the social sciences.


世界是如何以及为什么这样运转的. 这个类别致力于对世界自然过程的科学研究.

  1. demonstrate a systematic understanding of some aspect of the natural world through learning the content, 词汇表, 以及科学理论之间的相互关系
  2. 阐明科学方法论的独特之处, 比如基于经验观察的假设检验, 和概率结论.


Liberal education requires both the acquisition of knowledge from many disciplines and also the ability to connect and synthesize material from multiple perspectives. Through public programs representing diverse topics and perspectives as well as an upper-level interdisciplinary course, 学生将学会理解和应对复杂性.


  1. explore a substantive topic or problem from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and modes of inquiry appropriate to the liberal arts
  2. 分析重要问题
  3. 提高面对复杂性和模糊性的能力
  4. 综合信息
  5. 应对智力挑战.


通过VIA项目, students will gain exposure to a range of intellectual and artistic ideas and values.