
曼彻斯特 University 制药acy Program Bulletin 2018-2019

People of MU 制药acy Program

Cabinet, 2017-2018

大卫·F. McFadden, Ph.D.

Vice 总统 of Academic and Student Affairs
雷琳米. Rospond,制药.D.

Vice 总统 for Advancement
媚兰B. 哈蒙

Assistant Vice 总统 for Enrollment and Marketing
亚当·R. 霍曼

Vice 总统 for Human Resources and Strategic Initiatives

惠特尼J.A. Caudill Bandemer, J.D.

Chief Business Officer and Vice 总统 for Finance
克莱尔W. 克纳普


Ahmed Abdelmageed,制药.D., assistant dean of student, alumni and community engagement
Ryan面 制药.D.气道, assistant 导演 of experiential education
Mohamed Amin,制药.D.博士.,
assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Teresa Beam, Ph.D., 椅子, department of pharmaceutical sciences, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
罗伯特D. Beckett,制药.D., RPh, BCPS, 导演 of Drug Information Center, associate professor of pharmacy practice
Michael Bottorff,制药.D., FCCP, FNLA, CLS, 椅子, department of pharmacy practice
特蕾西·L. Brooks,制药.D.气道, BCNSP, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Dennis Brown, Ph.D., associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Diane Calinski, Ph. D., 导演 of pharmacogenomics operations, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Teresa DeLellis,制药.D., RPh, BCPS, BCGP, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Kierstan Etheridge,制药. D.气道, 导演 lab experience, assistant professor of pharmacy practice and inclusion and wellness coordinator
Sarah Gordon,制药. D., RPh, BCPS, assistant professor of pharmacy practice an IPE coordinator
Jennifer Henriksen,制药.D.气道, associate dean for academic affairs & 评估
Carrie Hoefer, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Sandra Hrometz博士, BS制药.,本金保证产品, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Jason Isch,制药.D., assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Rachel Kasper,制药.D.气道, CTTS, BCAC, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Katee Kindler,制药.D.气道, assistant professor of pharmacy practice 
David Kisor Ph.D., 导演 of pharmacogenetics education, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Dustin Linn,制药.D.气道, BCCCP, associate professor of pharmacy practice
Renee McCafferty, M.S.,制药.D., associate professor of pharmacy practice
Shekher Mohan, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Ashley Montgomery,制药.D., PGY2 resident/instructor
Noha Mourad, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics
Vaibhav Mundra, Ph.D., M.S., BS制药., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Venkatareddy Nadithe, Ph.D., M.S., BS制药., 
assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Marwa Noureldin,制药.D., M.S., Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Holly Robison,制药.D. bcp气道, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Ann Savariar, M.S. PGx, pharmacogenomics instructor
Brian W. Skinner,制药.D., MPA, BCPS, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Thomas Smith,制药.D. BCPP气道, associate professor of pharmacy practice and pharmacogenomics
W. Thomas Smith,制药.D., J.D., dean of pharmacy programs, professor of pharmaceutical sciences
Trent Towne,制药.D. bcp气道, (AQID), associate professor of pharmacy practice and professional development coordinator
Sara Trovinger,制药.D.气道, 导演 of experiential education, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
Andrea Whitaker,制药.D., assistant professor
安德里亚·L. Wilhite,制药.D.气道, associate professor of pharmacy practice


宝拉·阿维拉 lab technician specialist
Dottie Bowers, administrative assistant
Julie Cogley-Pifko,
assistant 导演 of admissions and enrollment management
Karen Failor, experiential education operations specialist
Olan Griffiths, IT technician
McKenzie Grubb, admissions counselor
Shawn Patterson, executive assistant to the dean
Gregory Hetrick, 导演 of admissions and enrollment management
Michelle Kibiger, 导演 of 评估
Laura Kozlowski, senior administrative assistant
Jessica Montalvo, 导演 of student services             
Melissa Rasmussen, 导演 of instructional design
丽莎·绍尔对 campus facilities coordinator & human resources liaison
Brook Schumann, pharmacy lab coordinator 
简醉的, administrative assistant
Karen Whitaker, 接待员